US proposes revised Gaza ceasefire plan: Axios


Published: 2024-06-29 13:48

Last Updated: 2024-07-03 18:45

US proposes revised Gaza ceasefire plan: Axios (Photo: AFP)
US proposes revised Gaza ceasefire plan: Axios (Photo: AFP)

In a bid to advance a ceasefire in Gaza, the US put forward a revised proposal according to a report from American news site Axios on Saturday.

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Citing three informed sources, Axios detailed that the US initiative, undertaken in collaboration with Qatari and Egyptian mediators, focuses on refining Article Eight of the proposed agreement.

This article outlines the terms for negotiations between the Israeli Occupation and Hamas, crucially aiming to establish conditions for achieving sustainable calm in Gaza during the agreement's second phase.

The sources highlighted Hamas' insistence that negotiations should concentrate exclusively on the precise number and identities of Palestinian prisoners slated for release from Israeli Occupation detention in exchange for every “Israeli” soldier, either alive or held captive, mentioned within Gaza.

Meanwhile, the “Israeli” military announced on Friday a series of airstrikes in northern Gaza.
The strikes purportedly targeted what “Israel” described as "dozens" of resistance fighters in the Shejaiya neighborhood, previously declared clear of Hamas presence.

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Eyewitnesses and medical personnel reported significant civilian casualties resulting from Thursday's operation in Shejaiya, underscoring the humanitarian toll amid ongoing military engagements.

Renewed clashes erupted in northern Gaza following remarks on Sunday by “Israeli” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who suggested a de-escalation in the intensity of “Israel's” offensive over the past nine months.